Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Tron light cycle Contest reDesign

Here new contest Tron light cycle Contest reDesign.We are the first to admit that we are full of monsters Tron: Legacy and game site SideQuesting.com the enthusiasm for a franchise operation for a competitive reimagine familiar light cycle. Disneys revised fight for Legacy wheels are great, but the SQ would like to see exactly what can the cruise web designer with on their own. There is a catch, because: The artists will spend more than two hours on each submission.Tron light cycle Contest reDesign.
Each design will be presented in SideQuesting.com, and winners will be great prizes, including getting art Tron: Legacy of books, white light cycle figures and a deluxe light cycle numbers. SlideQuesting says that the total value of all the prey is around $ 75.Tron light cycle Contest reDesign.
If you think it takes to see the best design of all overhead work SideQuesting.com full rules and needs to go.